- Micromounts are mineral specimens that require magnification (generally 5x to 30x) and illumination for proper observation.
- They may be of any size.
- A variety of mountings have been used over the years since micromounting began.
- Records indicate the earliest mounted micro specimens were on glass slides.
- In 1870, the Rev. G.C. Rakestraw begam using paper ring boxes. He then went to making his own boxes covered inside and out with black paper. These boxes were called "Rakestraws" or "box mounts."
- Today you can find micromounts in many types of containers, but predominately in plastic boxes about 7/8" x 7/8" x 3/4" in size.
- A few of the many varieties are displayed here with the mounters name, if known, and the the mineral therein.

The purpose of the Micromounters’ Hall of Fame is to honor those who have served this hobby to the highest degree. They are the leaders, the movers and shakers of the past and present who have shown the way for the rest of us. They have not only built sizable collections, but they also have earned and deserved a worldwide reputation among mineral collectors in general and especially among micromounters.Members of the Micromounters Hall of Fame range from the late Rev. Rakestraw, who died in 1904, to Rod Martin of New Zealand, who was inducted September, 29, 2012 at the 56th Annual Symposium. John Ebner was inducted in 1997.
John's penchant for acquiring these mounts began in 1982, with the acquisition of a whitmorite specimen mounted by Bob Whitmore, owner of the legendary Palermo Mine in North Groton, New Hampshire. Soon John had filled a case with such mounts and began schlepping them from home in New Jersey to numerous conferences, shows, and symposia. The collection has since grown to four cases bearing mounts dated from the 1850's to the late 2012's.
Putting it together has led John to network with a myriad of leading mineral people around the world who enthusiastically assist him with acquisitions by sharing contacts and arranging for introductions as called for. "The best by-product of all this," John says, " is all the new friends I've made."
Most of the mounted specimens are of very rare species, some for which the only known occurrences are microscopic. The collection also includes numerous specimens that enjoy a level of aesthetic perfection unknown to their species other than through the scope.
If there is a downside to owning such a collection, it has to do with the careful placement of all the mounts within within the heavy and relatively flat cabinets that house them. "This makes it so that I hardly ever get to see them through the scope," John laments.