During the past year as construction crews were clearing and
digging, the now built over and/or grown over and off-limits construction site pictured above near Owings Mills was the site of what could have been the State of Maryland’s most
exciting and prolific quartz crystal bonanza ever. For those with permission to collect and who
knew what they were doing, the former construction site yielded notably
diverse milky, clear, smoky and amethystine quartz crystal specimens including
small clusters and individual crystals, most that were doubly-terminated, and some with Cumberland habits as well as a few scepters.
Members of the Chesapeake Gem and Mineral Society, the
Baltimore Mineral Society, the Gemcutters Guild of Baltimore, and others collected tens of
thousands of quartz crystal specimens. The
crystals displayed by Mark Ruzicka, a Catonsville home improvement contractor pictured with his son Mason and daughter Ashley, bespeak but
a fraction of the quantity of specimens they collected in just over a
year. Prominent Baltimore County collectors Bob Eberle and Bernie Emery, the a latter who first informed Mineral Bliss of the find, collected
nearly as many.
Richard Hoff, the immediate Past President of the Chesapeake
Gem and Mineral Society, who is pictured at right exploring a crystal pocket, estimates that he collected about 30,000 specimens. Everyone agrees that the kinds of crystal specimens
they fsound changed through different stages of work by an
accommodating construction crew.
In the early spring of 2014, the removal of trees from the
site uncovered huge quartz boulders bearing numerous milky quartz
crystals. By late spring, construction crews had removed enough earth to level the entire area, piling the dirt into a mound about 30 yards long, 8 yards wide, and 5 yards high. From these mounds, collectors uncovered plates of quartz bearing multiple crystals measuring to well over an inch. Most of these crystals were milky, some of them clear. Encrustations of dried clay were present on many of the specimens. A different mode of collecting began to evolve around the Fourth of July.
crystals. By late spring, construction crews had removed enough earth to level the entire area, piling the dirt into a mound about 30 yards long, 8 yards wide, and 5 yards high. From these mounds, collectors uncovered plates of quartz bearing multiple crystals measuring to well over an inch. Most of these crystals were milky, some of them clear. Encrustations of dried clay were present on many of the specimens. A different mode of collecting began to evolve around the Fourth of July.
Richard Hoff was there the day that Jim Hooper, President of
the Baltimore Mineral Society, wandered a few yards south from the dirt mound and
found a single doubly-terminated quartz crystal measuring about an inch and a
half. It was embedded in a two foot embankment where a road would later be cut. Almost
immediately, Hoff and the other collectors who were present began digging a
short distance from the embankment and eventually found more crystals. They
dubbed the hole that produced them as “the Hooper pocket.”

The site is near the southwestern edge of a gneiss formation
known as the Chattalonee Dome that extends west from Falls Road to about a mile
north of Randallstown. In that same area, a Johns Hopkins foliation and bedding map of the Chattalonee Dome shows in the general area of the crystal pockets two small patches of fault breccia that is consistent with the micaceous
dirt and clay from which the crystals were extracted. Hoff
theorizes that over hundreds of millions of years, both liquid siliceous
and fault breccia filled pockets where feldspar from the Chattalonee
Dome gneiss had deteriorated and that crystals began to form that later experienced numerous stages of growth. He suggests that interference
from fault breccia material, which also displayed a significant presence of iron (goethite, limonite, and pyrite in specks and tiny crystals) could have accounted for the "spider leg phenomenon. Pictured above at left is one of his less common finds: a golden pyrite cube included within a clear quartz crystal.

Hoff’s thoughts
regarding the science behind these Owings Mills crystals speak for an innate
curiosity and a passion for collecting. Like most who became fascinated with
these crystals, he believes that the locality deserves study in academic
circles. The opportunity is more than available with the myriad crystals that Hoff, Ruzicka, and so many
others have saved. Both Hoff and Ruzicka can be reached by email to provide specimens.