For serious aficionados in the eastern and northeastern United States, the annual East Coast Gem, Mineral, and Fossil show in West Springfield, Massachusetts, each year on the second weekend of August, is a summer highlight. It happens Friday through Sunday and fills the Better Living Center at West Springfield's Eastern States Exposition. The focus of this post limits itself to finding dealers at this show with significant quantities of East Coast-collected specimens available for purchase. These specimens, most collected in the northeastern United States, show up almost exclusively amongst the retail dealers in the Better Living Center as opposed to those in the adjacent building, where the merchandise is devoted to wholesale trade.
This largest gem, mineral, and fossil show to happen in the Eastern United States is much the same every year. A special and impressive mineral exhibit from a well-known collection always adorns an entrance area leading to the wider space where lines of merchandise fill a dozen aisles of tables and shelves manned by about 150 dealers. A few of these dealers sell significant quantities of East Coast-collected mineral specimens. In nearly all cases, the prices are fair, sometimes bargain level. With few exceptions, dealers return each year to the same spot they occupied the previous year. In that regard, this post could be helpful to collectors of East Coast minerals here in future years.

In 2019, however, some of the best East Coast bargains were offered by a first time vendor at an easy to miss table in the farthest corner from the show's entrance point. There, Bob Batic of Mountville, New Jersey traded as Bob's 2nd Act Collectibles. His personal collection was among those featured in the 2016 Mineralogical Record Supplement Mineral Collections in the American Northeast. For years, Bob's collection has evolved from worldwide with an East Coast emphasis to specializing in vintage East Coast specimens collected between 1875 and World War II. The transition produced plenty of notable specimens to sell, especially from older East Coast finds. Collectors found many of the prices to be irresistible.
Two rows past Mr. Batic, our visit to the busy Adironcack Fine Minerals table was too short. At least there was time to photograph part of the wide selection of East Coast Minerals to use as the title image for this post. The merchandise was attractive and reasonably priced Adirondack Fine Minerals also had a massive selection of large Herkimer Diamonds.
Three tables away on the same side of the aisle, Robert Rosenblatt traded as Rocko Minerals. A fixture at numerous East Coast events, his true-to-form selection of minerals was abundant in rare, and/or unusual, and ultimately collectable East Coast specimens at reasonable prices. Three such pieces proved irresistible to the personal mineralogical sensibilities of this writer: brazilianite crystals measuring to 2 cm. from Newport, New Hampshire; a gahnite floater to 3 cm. from Mount Apatite, Maine; and a beautiful thumbnail with a 1.1 cm. zircon crystal on matrix from Blackberry, New Hampshire atop a cluster of smaller zircon crystals.

Two aisles past Jay's Minerals, Mark Gottlieb, of North Granby, Connecticut had some interesting East Coast specimens, many that he personally collected, at very reasonable prices. Included were some very intriguing cabinet sized clusters of milky quartz crystals from Moosup Connecticut. For this writer, a Marylander with ties to collectors and clubs that enjoy collecting at the National Limesone Quarry in Mt. Pleasant Mills, Pennsylvania, the huge selection of strontianite from that locality was notable
Across the isle, the Yankee Mineral and Gem company of East Hampton, Connecticut offered an interesting selection of East Coast minerals. Particularly intriguing this year was a stock of wolframite pseudomorph after scheelite specimens from Old Mine Park in Trumball, Connecticut. Most were in the $50 range. However, one particularly nice example of the genre was priced at $650. And having previously been skunked after hiking up a mountain to collect at the Lord Hill Mine in Oxford County, Maine, seeing a sizable box of Lord Hill blue beryl crystals, most selling for about $5, once again struck a personal chord.
Collection Arkane, a prominent Canadian dealership from Mt. St. Hilaire, Quebec, had many fine minerals from localities in eastern Canada that were no further away from West Springield than many localities in the northeastern United States.The wares included attractive, diverse, and fairly priced suites from Mt. St. Hilaire, Francon Quarry, and the Jeffrey Quarry in Quebec. From more distant spots, but worth mentioning, was a large group of specimens from the ever popular Rapid Creek locality in the Yukon Territory.
In the next aisle, Nature's Choice from Newington, Connectictut, despite a worldwide focus, had plenty of East Coast specimens, enough to be worthy of a stop for collectors seeking them. Most were priced in the $10 to $25 range and from Massachusetts or Connecticut.
As our one day at the show, which was intended only for buying, neared an end , the decision was made to put together a post about its availability of East Coast minerals. This entailed once again seeking out all the dealers we had observed with conspicuous quantities of them available. Very likely, a few of the finest specimens in the show could have been offered by some of the show's prominent high end dealers who are widely known far beyond the Eastern United States. Our assumption is that the relatively few collectors in attendance who were looking to buy such specimens would know where to find them. We extend our apologies to any dealers with significant quantities of East Coast specimens whom we failed to cover.